Pulmonary Vein View
This view is used to assess the pulmonary veins draining into the left atrium. It is to be stressed that this view is very difficult to obtain. In addition, this position may cause considerable discomfort and potentially some cardio-respiratory compromise in untrained hands. The probe is positioned in the suprasternal notch perpendicular to the chest with the marker pointing towards the left. The ultrasound beam is then angled towards the anterior chest wall. PWD is used to measure the peak systolic velocity of the left and right lower pulmonary veins. Pulmonary vein VTI should also be measured.Colour Doppler

Use colour Doppler to identify the left and right pulmonary veins (PVs). The scale of the colour should be lowered to about 30 - 40 cm/seconds. Use pulsed wave Doppler to obtain the wave form at the point of entry of the right and left PVs in to the LA. Measure the S wave (systolic velocity). Also note the D wave (diastolic velocity) and A wave (atrial contraction velocity).