Targeted Neonatal Echocardiography TnECHO is increasingly used by neonatologists in the intensive care setting to support clinical decisions. The technology may be applied for the evaluation of the neonatal heart, brain, abdomen/pelvis and vascular access. This website will focus mostly on neonatologist performed TnECHO. The provision of real-time information on cardiovascular performance and systemic haemodynamic, non-invasive nature of the technique, rapidity of data acquisition and report generation, and ability to perform longitudinal functional assessments have all contributed to in the increased utilisation of TnECHO by neonatologists in the neonatal intensive care (NICU). The lack of a reliable measure of systemic blood flow is one example of a clinical situation which has prompted neonatologists to perform point of care echocardiography examinations. Clinical signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and capillary refill time, which traditionally physicians have relied upon, provide limited insight into the adequacy of systemic blood flow and organ perfusion. This website provides an introduction to basic imaging techniques. Further expansion of this website in the future will include a teaching module for PDA assessment, assessment of pulmonary haemodynamics, and assessment of left ventricular function and systemic perfusion.
The purpose of this website is to support neonatologists who are actively involved in a recognized TnECHO training program. The site is aimed at familiarizing neonatologists with basic echocardiography views and aiding self directed learning, but does not represent complete training. The website has not been designed to teach how to screen, diagnose or evaluate congenital heart disease, although it is recognized that neonatologists must be familiar with normal anatomy and deviations from this. Although structural heart disease should always be considered when performing a TnECHO evaluation, if the former is clinically suspected a paediatric cardiologist should always be involved. Image optimisation techniques are not discussed as it is usually machine specific.