Apical Five Chamber View
This view is obtained by starting from the position required for the four chamber view. To bring the left ventricular outflow tract and aortic valve into view, the probe is rotated in a clockwise motion and angled slightly anterior. The colour Doppler loop demonstrated the LV inflow and outflow, and two pulmonary veins draining into the LA. Descending aorta is seen in cross section to the left of the LA.Position
Colour Doppler
Doppler Image

The Aortic Doppler is best appreciated from this view as the cursor will be almost parallel to the flow of blood. Note the laminar nature of the flow which is represented by an envelope with a relatively clear centre. The flow is negative as blood is travelling away from the probe. Aortic flow velocity is usually under 1m/s.

The left ventricular outflow tract and ascending aorta are seen in this view. The arrows point to the two visible pulmonary vein draining into the LA.